Year Three - Classes Capella and Vega
Hello and welcome to Year 3.
In Year 3, we have classes Capella and Vega. Capella is the name of the brightest star in the Auriga constellation. Vega is the name of the brightest star in the Lyra constellation.
- Mrs Gokalia - Class Capella Teacher-Monday and Tuesday
- Mrs Rasool -Wednesday ,Thirsday and Friday
- Mr Qazi- Class Vega Teacher
In Year 3, we all have a growth mindset and believe in 'The Power of Yet'. This is the belief that it is okay if we are not good at something 'yet', because we can always strive to improve! Our learning is fun and our voices are heard. We take pride in the work we produce, and we regularly use the Secrets of Success to show positive behaviour for learning.
- Year 3 will continue to use the Howard Street gate as their entry and exit point - the school day will begin at 8:45am and finish at 3:15pm
- PE for Vega is on Monday and PE for Capella is on Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing the correct PE kit. It is important that your child does not come to school wearing jewellery or earrings on this day as they will not be able to participate.
- We will continue to assign work via Mathletics, TTRockstars, Purple Mash and Bug Club - if your child has misplaced any of their passwords, please contact us on
Our mission is to ensure that staff, governors, parents and pupils are part of and ‘Exceed Expectations’ by demonstrating:
- Honesty and Integrity
- Consideration for others
- Responsible attitudes
- Generosity
- Aspirational qualities
- Dedication
- Motivational attributes
- Trustworthiness
- Courtesy and Respect
- Self-determination
- Optimism
- Self-commitment
- Resilience
- Confidence
- In KS2, each class has a behaviour chart displaying red, amber, green, silver, gold and platinum (in that order).
- Each day, all children who were on amber or red the previous day will begin the day again on green to demonstrate the expectation that each day will be a positive one. All children who were on green or above will remain in the same place, with the aim of building on their good behaviour.
- Children are encouraged to move from green to silver and then gold and platinum.
- When children have shown positive behaviours, they will move up the chart, one step at a time. When children have shown negative behaviours, they will move down the chart, one step at a time.
- In KS2, all children who are at ‘gold’ at the end of the week will be entered into a prize draw. At the end of each half-term, a child will be drawn and will receive a prize. Children in KS2 who are on ‘platinum’ will receive an instant reward.
- Listen to your child reading. Please try to read on a daily basis with your child and encourage them to answer the questions available on Bug Club.
- Encourage your child to practise and learn their spellings – discuss spelling patterns or rules. The most important thing is that they know to apply the spellings to their writing.
- Practise calculations at home to develop fluency. Practise written methods such as the column method and the grid method.
- Encourage your child to take care of all the work they do, including homework – they should write in pencil, and keep their writing neat (preferably joined-up).
- Encourage your child to talk about what they have learnt at school.
- Talk about your child’s homework – discuss the work, and ask your child to explain it to you (although they should complete the work independently).